June 2022 Committee Updates
Executive Committee
Chairman Kevin McGlumphy
Since the last memo the executive committee has reviewed and updated the bylaws to reflect the history and tradition of the founders while updating the verbiage and documentation to more recent times. This was the first update of the bylaws since the originals were written in the 90’s. We have reviewed and updated the committee structure and worked with CM Services to implement committee chair training to streamline activities and utilize our members skill sets for growth and sustainability. We have also approved new fall dates and times for our annual meeting and for our 1st annual training seminar to be held in the spring. We are happy to report that the association is in good financial standing, and the changes made in 2021 have proven to reverse trending financial indicators to support future endeavors. Participation has increased with other asphalt and industry associations in support of the Buy America verbiage pioneered by NAPA and AI.
Events Committee
Chairman Andrew Ford
The AMAP Conference committee is happy to announce some changes to the 2023 conference season. A new first we will be hosting a standalone two-day training Workshop at the Doubletree in Williamsburg, VA from March 14-15. It was decided to move the annual conference to the 4th Quarter of each year. In 2023 it will be held at the Hyatt Regency in Jacksonville, Florida from October 16-19, 2023. We will be sending out announcements soon on both dates.
Membership Committee
Chairman Terry Hegner
I hope this newsletter finds everyone safe and healthy as we move past this pandemic. Even with this hurdle the AMAP Membership continues to grow, due in part to our outstanding Membership Committee and Board of Directors. The Membership Committee consists of myself, Lisa Garrison, Kevin Kempton, Jason Cox and Michael O’Leary. With the Board's support the Committee is looking at numerous improvements to make it easier for our membership to be involved in AMAP. For example, members can now pay their dues on-line through our new and dramatically improved website, this website makes staying current and informed quick and easy. In addition, the committee is examining more diversified member classifications, proration of dues and partnering with other Asphalt related organizations to attract new members. If you know an organization interested in joining AMAP please have them reach out to me or any of the AMAP Membership Committee or Board members.
Technical Committee
Chairman Mark Stewart
The AMAP Technical Committee has been very productive. The first draft of the glossary has been submitted and it currently on the AMAP Website. The Sustainability team has worked hard to schedule a Webinar on Sustainability on July 13, 2022 and all are invited. Work is progressing on a 5 minute video of the benefits of Modified Asphalt in paving applications. Several other projects are underway and will be reported on later.