ATS/Ingevity Lunch & Learn Details
Historically many warm mix asphalt (WMA) studies were focused on the effects to asphalt binder, mix performance and pavement design. This presentation showcases the difference in visual emissions and fuel consumption when producing and paving with WMA.
Considering the GHG emissions focus, WMA is viewed as a solution, but until recently, there has been limited data available characterizing the respective reductions in emissions and fuel consumption using WMA. During the 2022 paving season Ingevity partnered with several contractors including Duval Asphalt to collect emissions and fuel data at five different asphalt plants across the United States.
This data represents a variety of asphalt plants, asphalt binder grades, mixture types, and recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) contents while measuring the impacts of significant temperature reduction. The results show how asphalt plants, operating under realistic production conditions, can reduce the CO2 produced and fuel consumed per ton of asphalt mixture upwards of 20 percent by decreasing the production temperatures by approximately 30°F while utilizing chemical WMA. Furthermore, the work demonstrates that fugitive emissions emitted during asphalt mixture production and placement can be reduced by over 90 percent using the same 30°F temperature reduction.
During this session, Ingevity and ATS team members will showcase the attainable results needed to assist the asphalt industry’s effort to reduce its carbon footprint and GHG emissions while demonstrating a viable methodology for contractors to follow to quantify these reductions for themselves.