Organization Overview
GreenMantra Technologies utilizes its advanced recycling technology to transform waste plastic into novel polymer additives and synthetic waxes. This technology takes advantage of the integrity of the plastic molecule to create new high-value materials that are used as performance additives in various industrial applications, predominantly in construction infrastructure that have useful lifespans of 20-50+ years. Because GreenMantra's process modifies and redesigns the structure of the plastic molecule, it produces a more functional shorter-chain synthetic wax that incorporates easily into the liquid asphalt binder and remains stable within the asphalt. At low dosage levels of 2-3%, these materials enhance the durability, rut resistance, and high temperature performance of asphalt.
Cristiano de Santi
Bret Duffy
Business Development Manager
Emily Blair
John Almey
Application Scientist, Asphalt
Natalie Bieber

Market Segment
Additive (Non-Polymer): Producer/Supplier
Technical Contact Name
John Almey
Technical Contact Job Title
Application Scientist, Asphalt
Technical Contact Email
Sales Contact Name
John Almey
Sales Contact Title
Application Scientist, Asphalt
Sales Contact Email
Sales Contact Phone