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PWX Annual Meeting August 26-31 Charlotte, NC (Public Works)
Sunday, August 28, 2022
to Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Event Details
PWX draws thousands of public works professionals from all over the world. If you're like many, you have limited resources for professional development, so you've chosen APWA's PWX 2022 in Charlotte as your preferred venue for:
- Outstanding education sessions that address current public works issues—as well as ongoing challenges. Choose from more than 125 technical and professional development sessions presented by your colleagues, who will impart their vital knowledge and experience. APWA's education sessions are based on the very latest learning models: classroom, interactive, and "live" learning labs.
- The chance to see an extensive gathering of exhibitors that will showcase the latest products, services, and technologies specific to public works. Special "non-compete" hours allow you to visit the floor uninterrupted.
- Opportunities to network with your peers, hone your leadership abilities, and learn new job skills